holiday houses and apartments of Senhalser Höfe

Discover 10 holiday houses and apartments of Senhalser Höfe for your holidays in Moselle. We look forward to you visit!

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Senhalser Höfe

Company Senhalser Höfe - family Kohnen

5-Sterne Ferienhäuser und Ferienwohnungen (DTV) liebevoll eingerichtet mit Vintage Möbeln und Design Klassikern, dazu der private Park und Moselblick. Entschleunigung: Raus aus dem Auto, rein in die Wanderschuhe – raus aus dem Alltag, rein in den Liegestuhl - der langsam dahinfließenden Mosel zusehen und zur Ruhe kommen. Wellness für Puristen: Einfach nur Radfahren, wandern, lesen, frische Luft schnappen und schlafen. Fernab vom Trubel der Großstadt finden Sie bei uns eine Ruheoase vom Feinsten. Natur: Lassen Sie den Wagen stehen und wandern Sie einfach direkt vor der Haustüre los, durch die atemberaubende WeinKulturlandschaft. Spazieren Sie durch unsere Gärten, vorbei an duftendem Lavendel, üppigen Rosenbeeten und mächtigen Olivenbäumen. Tauchen Sie Ihre Füße in den Fluss mit dem Blick auf die Wälder und Weinberge und gönnen Sie sich die Auszeit. Regionalität: Spitzenweine aus den umliegenden Weinbergen, Marmelade von der Nachbarin, historische Bruchsteinhäuser mit regionalen Materialien und ein eigener Weinberg für unsere Gäste. Nähe: Geografisch zentral in Deutschland gelegen, mitten in Rheinland-Pfalz und der Calmont Region am Ufer der Mosel – Schnell erreichbar, praktischer Treffpunkt und eine hervorragende Ausgangslage zur Erkundung der WeinKulturlandschaft. Die Toskana ganz nah – perfekt für alle, die keine Zeit für lange Anreisen haben und trotzdem ein paar Tage in exklusiver, mediterraner Umgebung entspannen möchten. Und nicht zuletzt: Herzliche Gastgeber direkt vor Ort – die gerne ihre persönlichen Geheimtipps mit Ihnen teilen. Wir freuen uns schon darauf, Sie in den Senhalser Höfen begrüßen zu dürfen, zu unbeschwerten und erholsamen Ferien in Ihrem Mosel Ferienhaus. Senhalser Höfe - Ihr mediterranes Hideaway in ungeahnter Nähe


This holiday home has been inspected and evaluated according to the star criteria of the German Tourism Association. Depending on equipment and service, the accommodation is awarded one to five stars.

How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night

This holiday home has been inspected and evaluated according to the star criteria of the German Tourism Association. Depending on equipment and service, the accommodation is awarded one to five stars.

How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night

This holiday home has been inspected and evaluated according to the star criteria of the German Tourism Association. Depending on equipment and service, the accommodation is awarded one to five stars.

How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night

This holiday home has been inspected and evaluated according to the star criteria of the German Tourism Association. Depending on equipment and service, the accommodation is awarded one to five stars.

How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night

This holiday home has been inspected and evaluated according to the star criteria of the German Tourism Association. Depending on equipment and service, the accommodation is awarded one to five stars.

How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night

This holiday home has been inspected and evaluated according to the star criteria of the German Tourism Association. Depending on equipment and service, the accommodation is awarded one to five stars.

How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night

This holiday home has been inspected and evaluated according to the star criteria of the German Tourism Association. Depending on equipment and service, the accommodation is awarded one to five stars.

How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night

This holiday home has been inspected and evaluated according to the star criteria of the German Tourism Association. Depending on equipment and service, the accommodation is awarded one to five stars.

How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night