holiday houses and holiday apartments of CC-Apartments

Discover 13 holiday houses and holiday apartments of CC-Apartments for your holidays in Fuerteventura. We look forward to you visit!

Landlord contact

Company CC-Apartments - Mrs. Annett Putbrese

Service hours

9-21 Uhr

Vor vielen Jahren, als wir das erste Mal nach Fuerteventura kamen, haben wir uns sofort in dieses kleine Paradies verliebt. Nach teils mehrmonatigen Aufenthalten im Winter entschlossen wir uns irgendwann, ganz auf diese tolle Insel zu ziehen und leben nun dort, wo andere Urlaub machen. Die Liebe zur Insel mit anderen teilen Auf Fuerteventura angekommen haben wir überlegt, wie wir die Liebe zur Insel mit anderen teilen können. Da kam uns der Gedanke, preiswerte und modern eingerichtete Appartements zu vermitteln. Unsere kleine Vermittlungsagentur „C.C. Apartments“ war geboren. Wir wollten aber mehr als nur eine reine Vermittlungsagentur sein, denn einfach nur vermieten, das kann schließlich jeder. Der Vor-Ort-Service macht den Unterschied Für uns war es von Anfang wichtig, dass wir unsere Gäste auch später, nach der Vermittlung über, nicht alleine lassen. Nicht alleine mit der Ferienunterkunft und ihrer Urlaubsplanung. Aus diesem Grund bekommst du vor deiner Anreise Telefonnummer und E-Mailadresse von uns, sodass du dich während deines Aufenthalts auf Fuerteventura jederzeit an uns wenden kannst. Selbstverständlich bekommst du von uns noch den einen oder anderen Tipp mit auf den Weg, was du während deiner Reise auf keinen Fall verpassen solltest.

Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night
Instant booking
How is the price calculated?

Searches without a travel time period will show costs including mandatory incidental costs at an occupancy of 7 nights. The price may vary according to the season and the number of persons.

per night