Hochhausen is a satellite village which belongs to the main city of Tauberbischofsheim. It is located approximately 5 km from the city center.
Guests can rent E-bikes from the dealer "Zweirad Esser" (3 km).
Restauarnts in the area feature the tipical "Besenwirtschaften" (wine tasting rooms), German cuisine, beer gardens as well as Italian and Croatian cuisine.
Grocery shopping is 800m for minimal needs. Supermarkets 4 km.
Coming from Frankfurt airport, take the A3 towards Nuremberg, at the Würzburg intersection take the A81 towards Stuttgart, exit at Tauberbischofsheim, take the B290 towards Tauberbischofsheim, turn left after the gas station and take the bridge over the Tauber, turn right after the bridge and right again at the next traffic light, keep going straight past the shopping markets towards the Hochhausen district, about 5 km from the center of Tauberbischofsheim, turn into Steppersgasse (third street on the right).